- Began posting October 26, 2014 -

NOTE: When I first put the photos on this web page, I had enlarged them quite a bit. But just last night, February the 17th, 2016, I noticed that it was impossible to see the previously enlarged sections of the photos outside the normal text-photo column. Sorry about that. So now, I am working on reducing all the photos back down to the standard text-photo column size, so that the complete photo may be seen. This might take a while. Sorry about that too. So for the photos I have downsized to their original format, and for the ones I have yet to do so, follow these instructions--To enlarge the photos & text, hold down "Ctrl" & press "+" one or more times as desired. To reduce the photos & text, hold down "Ctrl "& press "-" (to left of "+" key). Then, click on scroll bar at bottom of screen & drag it all the way to the right to see complete photos. I can enlarge 5 times on my widescreen laptop & still be able to see entire photo & text. It may be different for your computer screen.--




CD 1 goes here in booklet.



     WIL & DANNY ON THE ROAD   July 11-21, 1988,     by danny

In July of 1988, wife Vicki and I, and our children Micah, Nathan, & Joanna, drove up to Wilmington, DE, from Micanopy, FL, to stay with my brother Wil & his wife Patty, where they lived at 1528 Bonwood Rd. For 2 weeks, I rode with Wil & he taught me how to repair & maintain copiers.

After that 2 weeks, we drove back down to Micanopy, began packing, and a week later, drove back up to Wilmington, to begin our new life "up North," where Wil & I worked as copier repairmen for the company Neilson Copier Sales, Inc. We lived with Wil & Patty for about a year there in Wilmington, I think, before moving to 1217 Keystone Rd., Chester, PA, into a row house next door to Al (our boss at Neilson Copiers) & his family. I retired in 2007. Wil still works for Neilson Copiers as of Oct. 2014, but now only 2 days a week.

These 2 CDs were recorded mostly from a 90-minute cassette tape that I made while Wil & I drove around in his company car--a VW Rabbit with a diesel engine & manual transmission with a stick shift on the floor. Part 1 of CD 2 was made from the B side of Songs to Us, tape 2, in the middle of those 2 weeks in Wilmington at Wil & Patty's house.


About the photos--

The photos that I have placed between the CD daily narratives were taken by me on Dec. 19, 2011 when Vicki & I drove on I-95 and I-495 from Rising Sun to Philadelphia International Airport to collect Nathan, who was returning from a visit to Europe. So the photos may not always match up with the current story line, but the road signs show at least some of the places that Wil & I visited during the 8 or 9 days we rode together in July, 1988.

Notes: The only photos that really don’t pertain to the CD narrative are:

1) the first 3 photos, which were taken at the house of Pastor(of New Beginnings Church) Perry Mears & his wife Penny in Newark, DE, when we dropped Seth & his friend Jonah there before departing for Philadelphia to get Nathan;

2) the 2 photos taken inside the international passenger arrival lounge at the airport;

3) and the final two photos, which show Nathan safely settled back home at Rising Sun.

The car photos from the Internet show Volkswagen Rabbits made in 1984, which I think is the same year of the company cars we drove in 1988: Wil drove the one formerly driven by Joe Neilson (originator of Neilson Copiers); Danny later drove the one formerly driven by Joe’s wife, Donna.


Photnine 001  Seth & Jonah at Perry & Penny Mears’ house in Newark, DE--                                


 Photnine 002


Photonine 004   Penny & Perry were just bringing snowman out for display in yard--


Wil & Patty lived in a row house. Their back yard was separated by a board fence from a narrow alley that ran between their row of houses and the back yards of another row of houses running parallel to theirs. Wil parked his Rabbit company car in his back yard. They parked their Dodge Aires family car on the street out front. So each morning, Wil & I would start out by opening the gate in the back yard fence & driving down a fairly steep hill on the narrow road. This alley road was also used by the trash trucks collecting the garbage cans from the back yards of the houses.

Joe Neilson is the original owner of Neilson Copier Sales, Inc. ("Neilson Copiers"). Al Phillips, worked for Joe first as a copier repairman, then as a salesman. When Joe decided he wanted to go into the computer business full time, he sold the copier side of the business to Al. Al retained the company name, & Joe called his “new” computer company MedCom, because he sold computer systems to doctors’ offices.      

Note:"Wilmington, DE" will be abbreviated as Wilm from here on.

*   *   *

Today is February 21, 2016, and I am finally getting around to begin transcribing the audio from the 90-minute cassette tape (which is now on 2 CDs) that I recorded in July, 1988.

Abbreviations & punctuation in the text:

W = Wil

D = Danny

[Text in brackets] = my comments on what is said on the tape, etc., or my addition of words to an incomplete phrase; or something that is said that I can't really hear well, but that I'm pretty sure is actually said

[?...?] = something that W or D says that I can't understand

[?] or [text?] = something that I think W or D says, but which I'm not sure of

[/] = audio cut off due to tape recorder being turned off

[sp.] after a word = not sure of the correct spelling

 ... (three periods, separated from text by space on both ends) = a pause in the conversation, or the tape was turned off & back on

... (three periods not separated from the end of text) = an unfinished sentence

... (three periods not separated from the beginning of text) = continuation of a previously started phrase that didn't get recorded or, if recorded, cannot be deciphered

... (three periods connecting two words in the text) = a change of thought, or a slight pause, in a sentence

-- (double dash after a phrase) = the phrase that follows the "--" further explains the phrase before

--text-- (text between two sets of double dashes) = extra info for the whole sentence, which, if taken out, would not change the sense of the sentence 

*   *   *

CD 1 Contents(78 minutes 15 seconds)

1. To the Neilson Bldg., in Wilmington, DE  (7:51)   July 11, Monday, 1988--

D  Ok, we're leaving from back...Wilburn's back door & going downhill. This is July the 11th, 1988. Got anything to say, Wilburn?

W  Ah,...no (laughs).

D  (laughs)  Ok, moving right along.  English Sparrow on the road, getting a drink of water. It's been real hot & dry.

W  The ah...[/]

D  ...and turning left.  [/]...street.  ...the stop sign...on Homestead Road at the stop sign, we go straight thru; pass the basketball courts. Swings; oh there's some swings there; (Wil: That's what I'm talking about [?]) Eddie Geeockey(sp.) Field, Brown Town Park. Stop sign; we go straight thru. Another stop sign. That was 2 stop signs there. I think I turned it off when I was supposed to turn it on. Oh, this is called...

W  Homestead turns into Duncan.

D  This turns into Duncan Street. And we come to a sharp left turn; the road just continues. You can see the railroad bridge.

W  Amtrak.

D  Amtrak  [short laugh from Wil in background?]. Come up to a stop sign. It says we're on 5th Avenue now, it says.

W  This is called Brown Town.

D  This is called Brown Town.

W  Polish area.

D  Polish area.

W  Polish community.

D  Polish community.

D  Stop sign at corner of Brown Street & 5th Avenue; keep going straight. Come up to Johnny's Super Market on the left. Ah...[at the?] light; we turn right & we're on Maryland Avenue. Going down hill toward Wilmington. See the skyline in the distance. Wilburn's house is 2 miles from downtown Wilmington. 

W  ...95 North...[?...?]...Philadelphia...[?...?]

D  95 North takes you to Chester?

W  Philadelphia.

D  Philadelphia. And 95 South takes you to Newark?...Takes you to Newark & Maryland. We're under an overpass, we're...yeah, we just keep going straight here, right, I mean, all the way in?

W  Yeah, we're going downtown.

D  ...one way; just after we passed the underpass, we got into the left lane, ...[Wil says "...I-95..."]...it's just a one... Oh we passed under the I-95 overpass, & we got into the left lane, it's one-way here. ... Uh, right here at the lights where you can see another overpass, the Maryland Avenue turns into...to what now?

W  Madison.

D  Into Madison. Kind of bear to the left.

W  Actually, Maryland Avenue just ends.

D  Maryland Avenue ends right there.

W  ...sort of turns onto Madison.

D  And as we go under the underpass it's Madison. You can see Art(sp.) Craft(sp.) Electric on the right. ... We turned right on 3rd Avenue. That was just a little ways down.

W [?...?]

D  Oh, ok; [there was?] a stop sign. I don't know what street this is. ... [?...?]. Going up hill; ... another stop sign one-way going right.

W  Washington.

D  Washington.

W  This is the way you'll be coming home from downtown.

D  Oh. ... you mean...

W  Now we're going to take a left onto West Street.

D  We're going to take a left onto West Street--the next stop sign; it's a one-way.

W  That will take us straight downtown.

D  Jeannie M. Weaver Play Ground, right across. This'll take us downtown.

W  Quaker Hill...

D  Watch out, there's a car.

W  ...Quaker...

D  Quaker Hill area. ... We come up to the traffic light; to the right you can look down, downhill to the Donut...Donut Patch; ... a red tall...3-story red brick building; ... 4-story actually, probably. Right across you see Meeting House Village at Quaker Hill. Diagonally across to the left is a brick wall--tall brick building.... Oh, that's a meeting house--that's an old Quaker meeting house over there, with a wire [Wil: "?...?"]...steel fence--ornate fence. ... Uh, yeah, well, that light--that we came up to was on 4th--we just went thru there--went straight thru--come up to--we're on West Street [W: "?...?"] --cross--at the stop sign we passed, we crossed 5th. We're on West Street. We passed 6th & now we're coming up to 7th. ...old buildings now in the distance; to the left you can see a spire. Coming up to a stop sign at 8th Street. ... Eighth Street goes one-way to the left--we're going one-way straight. See one of the tall, huge cranes--construction cranes--stationary construction cranes, up & to the left. We're parking right in front of Ray's, uh, students, almost,... [Wil says "Roxy's" here, obviously]...Roxy's...

W  Hair Stylist.

D  Hair Stylist; we're stopping on the left.

W  ...that's the Neilson...

D  Oh, that's the Neilson Building.

W  [?...?]

D  Oh, you mean the door to the left is the Neilson...

W  [?...?]

D  The left door?

W  ...rents out office space...

D  He rents out office space to the--on the left door? Oh, ok. ... That's Adrian(sp.) the secretary just walking in--dispatcher--just walking in. ... The building we're looking at--the building that Mr. Neilson owns, for Neilson Copier Sales--is at least 3 stories. ...  Uh, it's cream colored with like, uh, shutters, & 2 arched, arched, arched doorways, & they're sorta yellowish.

W  [?...?]

D  Faith United Methodist Church just down the street.

W  On the corner of West & 9th.

D  Corner of West & 9th; on the same side as the Neilson's Building. And on the [right?]...[/]

[At this point, Wil & Danny go into Neilson Building; I believe I remember walking upstairs to where Neilson Copiers had office space. I then met Rich Francesco, our salesman, & Al Phillips, our boss, & owner of Neilson Copier Sales.]   

[End of CD track 1. I finished typing this on Feb. 23, 2016 at 11:07 PM, ]  

*   *   *          


Photnine 006  Vicki is driving; D takes photos, from Rising Sun to Phila Int'l Airport; sign on far left reads "273 EAST New Castle / Dover"--


2. To Hyatt Legal Services, Springfield, PA  (18:52)

[I began typing the text below from the original cassette tape (now on CD) on Feb. 23, 2016.]--

D  Oh well, just got back to the car from eating breakfast at the Delta Restaurant; met Al, & Rich-- couple of real nice guys--both Christians. ... We had bacon & eggs, toast & jelly, along with--& home fries & ketchup. The Delta Restaurant is just right around the corner from, ah, the Neilson Building. We're going to be going to Hyatt Legal [at] the corner of 301 and... the corner of 301 and 320.

W  Route 1...did you say Route 1?

D  Take that back--it's at the corner of Route 1 and 320. ... Ok, we're...we're headed there now, we're headed straight on...

[W  ?...?]  

D  Ok, ok ... continuing straight on from Neilson Building. We're in the front of the telephone building--it's got the hieroglyphics carved into the part of the wall.

W  [Twenty] two copies per minute--21 or 22 copies per minute.

D  Mita 122.

W  It has a moving top; it's about 4 years old, probably. ... It's a real low-volume machine.

D  It has the drum in it? [I had been studying a Katun Copier book that Al and/or Wil had mailed to me a while back. So I knew a little about the parts of a copier. But apparently, I thought that some copiers didn't have drums.]

W  Yeah.

D  We're on the corner of--we're on West Street, & we're at the light on--at Delaware Avenue. ... You can turn left on red--we turned left right there.

W  If you're turning on[to] a one-way street...

D  If you're onto a one-way street ...

W  ...from a one-way street...

D  ...from a one-way street, you can turn...

W  ...onto a one-way street from a one-way street [one-way going to your left], you can turn left on red.

D  Ok. We're on West 12th Street--uh, that's where we turned left back there.  We're in the North I-95 lane. ... We're gonna get on 95? We're headed to 95 North to Philadelphia.

W  [?...?]

D   Just passed the Chase Manhatten building on the left.

W ...newest conference building...

D  One of the newest office buildings in town. .. [There's a] tall, new apartment building to the left--Japanese-style.

W  Not really. [?...?] ...[sort of?] rafters up there, and [they put] lights on behind them, & it makes a real nice--a real neat, ah, design [due to the reflection of the lights on the building, especially at night].

D  [We got off at?] exit 202?

W  ...North.

D  202 North.

W  Concord Pike.

D  Yeah, oh, ok ... Concord Pike, 202 North. ... [We] just joined in another freeway. ... We [hit?] 20...261 North? We, we switched, ah, kinda switched our directions [there?], I mean... Oh, ok, it's also 202 North. Oh, 202 N is straight [goes on straight ahead], yeah. 261 North is the one we're taking is to the right  

Note: From now on, I'll type N, S, E, W, for North, South, East & West.  

W  Foulk Road.

D  Folk?

W  [spelling] F-o-u-l-k.

D  [spelling] F-o-u-l-k Road.

[Note: Over the years since I first heard the name "Foulk Road," I finally came to wonder if, instead of being pronounced "Folk," the proper pronunciation may be "Faulk," (the "au" having an "aw" sound, as in "hawk"). Take, for instance, the word "ought." The "ou" in "ought" sounds like "awt," not "oat." Unfortunately, I can't remember how the native Pennsylvanians or Delawarians pronounced Faulk, even thought I determined that whenever I heard someone pronounce Foulk, that I would pay close attention to how they pronounced it.]

D  261 N [Foulk Road = 261 N]. ... [We] come up to the light at Weldin Road; [spelling] W-e-l-d-i-n.

W [?...?] ...to Route 1. [?...?] ...Well, never mind..never mind.

D  As you were on that one. [Disregard what W said.]

[Note: I first heard the expression, "As you were," said by our drill sargeant in basic training in the Air Force. When he said something, then realized it wasn't correct, he would say, "As you were." Or, I think he may have also used the phrase when he was lecturing us, and some disturbance or interruption, or talking amongst the troops, etc., occurred to get him off track of what he was saying.]

[Also note: Speaking of the name, "Weldin,"-- On the mile-long dirt road that leads to our old house in Micanopy, where Wil & I did most of our growing up, about a quarter of a mile down before our old house, there lives a man & his wife (John & Gail), with the last name of "Weldon." I'm wondering if the name is the same, except that sometime in the distant past, someone changed the spelling of it.]

D  Keep going straight at the light? ... [Some of] the lower volume machines are PMd [have Preventive Maintenance performed on them ] at 10,000 [every 10,000 copies]. ... But normally it's 20,000?

W  The vast majority of them.

D  This one here [the one we'll be working on at Hyatt Legal, Springfield, PA] is 10K [10,000]...the one at Hyatt Legal Center. We come up to Shipley Road at the light. [We pass] Talley Day Park on the right [in which you can see from the road, the Brandywine Hundred Library].

[Note: "Brandywine Hundred is the name of an unincorporated subdivision of New Castle County, Delaware. Hundreds were once used as a basis for representation in the Delaware General Assembly. Brandywine Hundred is a commonly used colloquial name for this area. However, while their names still appear on all real estate transactions, all other hundreds in Delaware presently have no meaningful use or purpose except as a geographical point of reference. In the 2010 census, Brandywine had 77,182 people." - Wikipedia.]

D  Blue Cross Blue Shield on the left. ...

W  [Tape was turned off when Wil was talking about Equibank.]

D  That was a office complex called Equibank?

W  No. I said we have a machine in that office complex.

D  [I] take it back [another way of saying "as you were"].

W  [There are] a lot of different companies [there].

D  Oh.

W  [That's] just a business park. [?...?]

D  Back, back there where that Blue Cross Blue Shield was--was that what you were talking about? Ah,...

W  Actually, behind there.

D  ...behind there, they have a copier in a company called Equibank. [Note: When I say "they"--meaning Neilson Copiers--have a copier somewhere, it doesn't mean Neilson's owns that copier (unless it's rented from Neilson's), but that it is a copier that Neilson's regularly maintains & repairs.] And, ah, let's see, the road was nearest to it was--well it's before you get to Penar [sp.  I can't find the name "Penar," online, so I may have been mispronouncing "Panera," as in Panera Bread, which is a bakery-cafe].

W  It's right across the ... [street from the school, I guess Wil continues to say].

D  It's right across the street from the school,...what. Was there a school back there? I didn't even notice. Ok. Before you get to, ah, Sir...Silverside Road at the light. If you've gone that way [passed Silverside Road]--that far--you're too far. ... Uh...this road we're coming up to now is--if you turn left, you go to the Dentist (Dr. Thomas P. Conaty III, DDS) that Wilburn & Patty went to--called Grubb Road. ... [Dr. Conaty's office is located] about a mile down to the left on Grubb Road. ... We're still on Foulk Road, ... --headed which way? You know your directions?

W  [N]

D  Headed N? We come up to Junction 92.

W  We're leaving Delaware right now.

D  Oh, we're in Chester now, huh? 'Cause I saw the Chester Ba...[I started to say "Baptist"] Church back there?

W  No.

D  Huh?

W  No, this is the Pennsylvania Line--we're in Delaware County.

D  We're in Delaware County in Pennsylvania right now?

W  Uh huh. [I also think I detect a slight chuckle from Wil here.]

D  Oh. Alright. ... Oh, this is Delaware County, PA. ... Chester's in Delaware County. ... [The] rolling hills of Pennsylvania. ... It's like...it's almost like going back into time. ... [There's a big?] fie...field on the right...houses scattered here & there ... [over?] on the left--corn.

W [?...?]

D  Yeah, yeah.

W   ...[It's like?] going into another country [for me,?...?]...

D  Yeah, really, [for me too] it's different--like going into another country. ... Lots of trees everywhere. Houses in between the trees. ... Fields. Another field on the left--big open field with tall trees on the other side [far side of the field]. ... On the right--the same way [like the field & trees on the left], look at that! Boy, isn't that something!?

W  [Wil obviously told me where we were at this time.]

D  Oh, is this where we are now? Oh, we're getting ready to turn on W...322? Yeah, ok, we're at 322 W ... We're getting on...we're turning off [261] to the right, [and] following the sign that says W 322. ... Come up to the stop sign, follow the sign--W 322. ... State Road [322 isn't a state road, it's actually a US road--properly called U.S. Route 322]. ... No...yeah, [it's] not a state road--it's a U.S.--322. ... Lots of maple trees. ... I guess [there are also some] locust [trees]. ... Concordville is 3 miles ahead.

W  [?...?] ...Concordville.

D  Yeah, we're on a route now that I'll be using a lot--that we use a lot for...--to service a few...quite a few copiers; we're headed to Concordville. ... Some of them are in Concordville, & some of them are further [farther] N.

W [?...?]...We have several copiers [up on Route (or, US) 1].

D  Ah! [or, Oh!], US 1...Oh! [or, Ah!], US...how about that! US 1--US 1, N & S coming up. So we'll be getting, uh, right--turning right? We'll be headed US 1 N, then, right? Towards Media & Philadelphia.

[Note: US 1 goes thru Jacksonville, Florida, where Wil & I were born, (in St. Vincent's Hospital, beside the St. John's River) then continues down along Florida's E coast & ends in Key West, at the extreme S tip of a long curving-to-the-west string of islands called The Florida Keys. From there, Cuba is 90 miles, I believe. It is interesting that, as US 1 approaches the St. John's River from the south in Jacksonville, & before it joins I-95 to cross the St. John's River, it (US 1) is called the "Philips Highway." US 1 goes on from Pennsylvania all the way up thru Maine & then crosses the Saint John River into Canada. - parts of above text edited from Wikipedia. [To be continued.]

Wikipedia says:  Joel Z. Hyatt (born Joel Hyatt Zylberberg, 1950), is a prominent businessman & former attorney & politician of the Democratic party. He is the founder of Hyatt Legal Services, & was featured in the law firm’s TV commercials speaking the slogan, "I’m Joel Hyatt, & you have my word on it." Hyatt was also the co-founder (with Al Gore) of Current TV, which they later sold to Al-Jazeera in 2013  for $500 million. 

He co-founded Hyatt Legal Services in 1977 as a low-cost legal service & later founded Hyatt Legal Plans (acquired by MetLife in 1997), which became the country’s largest provider of employer-sponsored group legal services.

Hyatt was a founding member of the U.S. Senate Democratic Leadership Circle from 1981-86. He was the Democratic Nat’l Committee’s asst. treasurer from 1981-83. He is the son-in-law of former U.S. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, & in 1994, when Metzenbaum retired, Hyatt was elected to replace him. Hyatt taught at Stanford U Grad School of Business, 1998-2003, & is a trustee of Morehouse College & Brookings Institution.

In 2007, he was elected to the board of directors of Hewlett-Packard Co.

A 1990 court case involving an incident in Hyatt Legal’s Philadelphia offices became the basis for the 1993 film Philadelphia.


Photonine 007


3. To Aerenson, Lyons & Ferrara, Wilm  (6:30) I mis-pronounce the name of Kennett Square, PA, calling it "Kennen Square." Pertaining to the song Uncle Wil & I are singing as we drive up the ramps in the parking garage, Wiki says--"Up on the Roof" is a song written by the husband/wife team Gerry Goffin (Feb. 11 1939-June 19, 2014) & Carole King (born Feb 9, 1942), & recorded in 1962 by The Drifters, becoming a major hit in 1963….I was sad to see the date of Gerry Goffin’s passing away—the same date of an email Nathan sent me & to which I was belatedly responding to, today, July 10, 2014. Carole King was Carol Phillips’ (Al’s wife’s) favorite singer--Carol used to play Carole’s tapes in the evenings, at Neilson Copiers, Marcus Hook, PA, while typing the bills.


Photonine 008  Christiana, DE--


4. Headed home to Bonwood Rd., Wilm  (2:46)

When I say something like "Do you want me to write on it?" or "What do you want me to write on it?" as we’re exiting the parking garage, I’m referring to the parking garage payment receipt. Wil had obviously informed me that when he payed for parking in a garage, that he wrote on the receipt the name of the account he had visited while parked in that garage. 

I don’t remember exactly how Wil did it, but when I parked at a meter on the street, I wrote the amount of money I put in the meter beside the name of the company on my log sheet. Wil probably did the same.


Photonine 009  If we had taken a right exit here, we would’ve crossed the DE Memorial Twin-Span bridge into NJ--


July 12, Tuesday...

5To Produce Marketing, in Newark, DE   (7:11)  

I say "Oh no," because I accidentally hit the button that zeroes the tape counter (meter).

I had written the counter number beside it's corresponding customer on the tape label--I guess because I intended to refer to the tape in the future, when I might be sent to repair a copier at that location.

"PM" is the abbreviation for "preventive maintenance," which was a regularly-scheduled maintenance process for customers who chose it, usually at the end of each 10,000-copy ("10 K") or 20,000-copy ("20 K") interval.

I mispronounce the name of the town, Newark, DE; the correct pronunciation is "NewARK."

"NEWerk," is the way that Newark in NJ is pronounced.


Photonine 010  We worked on at least 3 copiers in New Castle that I can remember offhand: Raytheon, a Methodist Church, and I think some kind of big plant—maybe a refinery; New Castle is to the right; Newport to left--


July 12, Tuesday...

6. Leaving Produce Marketing--Newark, DE  (1:29)

Produce Martketing Association (PMA) is "a trade organization representing companies from every segment of the global fresh produce & floral supply chain."

A married couple, Tony & Johanna, from Wil & Patty’s church (House of Praise) worked there.

[Side A of Tape ends here.]


Photonine 011   We will take the I-495 to the right to bypass downtown Wilm--


[Side B of Tape begins here.]

7. To Group Dental--Wilm;  Explanation of trip from Produce Marketing  (1:05)

I could find no info online about Group Dental.

"The Port of Wilm is a deep-water port located at the confluence of the Christina River & DE River, 65 miles from the Atlantic; the port has been ranked as the top N American port for imports of fresh fruit, bananas & juice concentrate, and as having the largest dock-side cold storage facility."-- 


Photonine 012   We are now on I-495, running close & parallel to, the DE River-- 


 8. Headed home  (2:23) 


Phototen 001  Approaching Claymont, the last town in NE DE before PA state line--


 July 13, Wednesday...

 9. To Firenze--Newport, DE  (2:23)

Firenze & Company is a "desk-top publishing / commercial printing company” and “is the one-stop provider of graphic & logo design sevices in Wilm, DE."

A man & his wife owned & operated this company. The wife’s name was Flossie. I can’t remember the husband’s name [while editing this on Feb. 18, 2016, I seem to recall that his name is Joe].

I see on the internet that Firenze has moved since those days in the 80s, and is now located at 1400 Maryland Ave. in Wilm. It was originally in Newport, then New Castle, I believe it was.


Phototen 002 US 13 runs parallel to 95 & 495, connecting Wilm & Marcus Hook, PA-- 


10. To Educational Services--Wilm  (3:14)

Educational Services, or as I just discovered online, is "ESI (Educational Service Inc.), at 1701 Augustine Cut Off, Delaware’s premier educational service agency. 2010 marks our 75th year of helping students of all ages in the Greater Wilmington area & beyond maximize their academic potential, improve their self-image & meet their educational goals."

Referring to the photo on the opposite page, Wikipedia says—

"The settlement of Chichester is in DE County, PA, and contains the Township of Upper Chichester, the Borough of Marcus Hook, the Township of Lower Chichester, & the Borough of Trainer." Danny, Vicki, Micah, Nathan, Joanna & Ezra later moved to Keystone Rd., Chester, PA. They could walk out the front door of their house, & be in Trainer in less than a minute. On the other side of Trainer was Marcus Hook, where later the Neilson Copiers office was located. Before that time, Al ran the business out of his house on Keystone Rd. "Also contained within the Chichester area are Linwood--a "census designated place" (CDP) in Lower Chichester Township--& Boothwyn (a CDP in Upper Chichester Township), Ogden & Twin Oaks (both in Upper Chichester Township, but no info given on whether they are boroughs,   or CDPs)."


Phototen 003  Back on I-95; the Chichester, PA water tower; we’re now either back on, or very close to, rejoining I-95-- 


July 13, Wednesday...

11. To Doherty Funeral Home--Wilm  (1:39)

Mr. Doherty had two locations for his funeral homes. We worked on the copier at the downtown address. The other one was on Limestone Rd.,  at which we didn’t have a copier. However, we did work on a copier at Mealey Funeral Home on Limestone Rd.

A year or so later, Rich Francesco (our salesman) & I, delivered a new copier to Doherty Funeral Home. Mr. Doherty was following us as we carried the heavy copier up a steep, narrow stairway. I said to Mr. Doherty that if I were to fall & die right now, this would be a good place for it to happen. He agreed. I then said, "You’ve heard the phrase cash & carry, right? Well, you wouldn’t have to carry me here, since I’m already here--all you’d have to do is collect the cash for the funeral!"   He got a good laugh out of that.

Years later, not having seen Mr. Doherty at the funeral home in a long while, I asked how he was, & was told he had retired & moved to Florida.

We also worked on copiers at funeral homes in both Trainer, PA (next to Chester) & Newark, DE, & also one located out from the southwest area of Philadelphia.


Phototen 004 


12. To United Methodist District Office--Wilm  (3:13)   

I don’t say so for some reason, but at the zoo, we parked facing the river (probably the Brandywine River) & ate our lunch.

When I say "…we came out of the park…" I mean by that, the Brandywine Zoo area.

I just researched it online & found that the Brandywine Zoo is actually located on the grounds of what is called Brandywine Park, in Wilm.        

I now remember this, as I suddenly recall that we went on a picnic at Brandywine Park with Wil & Patty while we yet lived at their house.

However, strangely enough, I have never toured the zoo itself.

Note: Our cousin Sara Tillman worked at the Wilm. Hospital as a dietician. She grew up in Louisianna & was the daughter of our grandfather Tillman's half brother.


Phototen 005   Chichester Ave. joins Market Street about 2 blocks from the Neilson Copiers office-- 


13. Leaving Grand Opera House--Wilm; headed to Firenze--Newport  (1:17)  Wikipedia says-- "The Grand Opera House, also known as The Grand, or Masonic Hall, & Grand Theater is a 1,208-seat theater for the performing arts. The 4-story bldg was built in 1871 by the DE Grand Lodge of Masons as a Masonic Temple & auditorium at a cost of $100,000. It was designed in 2nd Empire style by Baltimore architect Thomas Dixon & has a cast-iron façade. Historically, the Grand hosted a variety of operas, symphonies, Victorian melodramas, minstrel shows, burlesque, vaudeville, etc, including performers such as Ethel Barrymore, Buffalo Bill Cody & John Philip Sousa. For Most of the 20th century, The Grand was operated exclusively as a movie theater, run by Warner Bros. from 1930, eventually closing in 1967. It was reopened in 1971       & returned to programming emphasizing classical music, partnering with the DE Symphony Orchestra, Opera DE, & the First State Ballet Theatre. Its architectural & historical significance enabled The Grand to be listed on the Nat’l Reg. of Historic Places in 1972. It is said to be “one of the finest remaining examples of 19th century cast-iron architecture in the US,” & that it has important association with events & persons in DE’s history. In 1973 The Grand became non-profit & the bldg. underwent extensive restoration, which was completed in 1976."


Phototen 006 


14. Headed home, I guess  (0:40) 


Phototen 007   The office of Neilson Copier Sales, Inc., is on Market Street in Marcus Hook, PA, about a mile to the right-- 


July 14, Thursday...

15. To Winner Ford--Cherry Hill, NJ  (4:01)

We had at least 3 copiers here--

"…a Ford dealership offering new Ford cars, crossovers, SUVs, trucks, commercial trucks. Ford models include Expedition, Flex, SuperDuty, Explorer, F-150, Econoline Wagon, E-Series Cargo Van, F-650-750, E-Series, Cutaway, Fiesta, Focus, Taurus, Fusion, Edge, StrippedChassis, Transit VanWagon, Escape, Mustang, C-MAX, Transit Connect, Chassis Cab. We also have pre-owned vehicles." 

We also had 1 or 2 copiers at Winner Lincoln-Mercury on Essington Ave, between SW Philadelphia & the Phila. Int’l Airport.


Phototen 008   This is the exit for 1217 Keystone Rd. (in Buckman Village), Chester, PA, to where D & family moved in about 1990--


16. To Aerenson's--Wilm  (0:48)

In looking online at this company, which is the law office I knew in the 1980s as "Aerenson, Lyons & Ferrara," I found out that it is now called "Aerenson, Ferrara & Lyons."


Phototen 009    I took another shot of the Highland Ave Exit as we pass by it-- 


17. To Raytheon--New Castle, DE  (1:03)

“In 1978, the Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) contracted with Raytheon Service Co. to design, build & operate the Delaware Reclamation Plant at New Castle. DSWA owns the land on which the plant was constructed & the land over which runs a roadway known as Resource Lane, or Lambson’s Lane.” This plant takes solid waste of all kinds & runs it thru a processor which separates the garbage from the recyclable materials. Wikipedia— "In 1922, two former Tufts College engineering students/roommates Laurence K. Marshall & Vannevar Bush, along with scientist Charles G. Smith, founded the American Appliance Co. in Cambridge, Mass. Its focus--which was originally on new refrigeration technology--soon shifted to electronics. The company’s 1st product was a helium rectifier that was based on Charles Smith’s earlier astronomical research of the star Zeta Puppis. The electron tube was christened with the name Raytheon ("light of/from the gods") & was used in a battery eliminator, a type of radio-receiver power supply that plugged into a wall socket (instead of being powered by a battery). Raytheon--a major defense contractor & industrial corp., manufacturing electronics for weapons, military & commercial uses--was involved in special-mission aircraft until 2007, & is the world’s largest producer of guided missiles."


Phototen 010   Final view of our old exit; we lived in a row house about 3/8 mile straight back from center of photo-- 


July 14, Thursday...

18. Headed home, I guess  (0:56)


Phototen 011 


July 15, Friday...

19. To Neilson Bldg--Wilm  (1:06)


Phototen 012    Approaching the exit to downtown Chester-- 


20. To Spirit & Life Church--Elkton, MD  (5:02)


Phototen 013  Wil & D worked on copiers at Crozer-Chester Hospital-- 


21. To Dr. Medford--Wilm  (2:32)

"Dr. William L. Medford, of Otolaryngology Assoc., 2300 PA Ave, Wilm, specializes in ear, nose, & throat, and is Board Certified by The American Board of Otolaryngology & Head of Neck Surgery, and is a Fellow of the American college of Surgeons. He received his M.D. degree from Jefferson Medical College & completed his internship & residency in Otolaryngology at Jefferson U Hospital & has been in practice at his current location for over 30 years. His undergraduate degree was received from Lehigh U with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering. He has served as chief of Otolaryngology at Ireland Army Hospital, Ft. Know, KY, & also was a former section chief of Otolaryngology at Christiana Care. He is a member of the staff  of Christiana Care, St. Francis Hospital (Wilm, DE), and A.I. Dupont Hospital for Children." [Tho' Wil & D didn't work on any copiers at Wilm. Hospital, Neilson Copiers did have a copier at St. Francis Hospital.]


Phototen  014 


22. To Medcom (in Neilson Bldg)--Wilm  (1:11)

MedCom Computers is now located in Joe & wife Donna Neilson’s house, at Lorraine Dr., Garnet Valley, PA in the SE corner of the area between where US 322 & Foulk Rd. intersect.


Phototen 015   Commodore Barry Bridge to NJ in left center of photo-- 




 CD-2 goes here in booklet.





CD 2 Contents(35 minutes 8 seconds)

July 16, Saturday, 1988--

1. Prayer, singing, & playing around with Vicki, Danny, Micah (7), Nathan (4) & Joanna (will be 2 on July 28th)-- 1528 Bonwood Rd., Wilm, DE   (21:19)

NOTE: After listening to this track many times, I am beginning to doubt that the first part of it (the singing & prayer at the very beginning) was recorded in Wilmington, DE,on July 16, 1988. That's because I think I can hear my daddy's voice in the background. On the original tape label from which this was recorded onto CD, there is the word "Advent" written. So this beginning part was probably recorded in Micanopy, Florida during the Christmas Advent season of 1987.

Vicki says Nathan wants to sing Jesus Loves Me

All sing

Vicki says, "Let's pray..."

Nathan says "EE-SEE!" Don't remember what it means, but he used to say that once in a while.

Nathan says "Make a chain!" which means "All hold hands."

D leads prayer; others repeat after him

D turns over the tape recorder to Micah & Nathan

Micah & Nathan barking like dogs

Nathan says, "Hello, folks. We're in Wilmington, DE."

More barking

Bomb sound effects, by Nathan


Micah says "...final frontier..." in background

Nathan says "...we're in Wilm, DE,"

Micah says, "No, we're in outer space--the final frontier."

"We're in Wilm, DE," says Nathan

"Is Wilm, DE, space?" asks Micah

Nathan: "We're in Wilm, DE, and we will be going back to America..." (Nathan means we’ll be returning to Micanopy.) 

"We are in America," says Micah

Nathan continues: "Then we'll be going back to America; and then we'll come back up to DE, and then we'll..."

"To the Cracker Farm," says Micah [Note: The Cracker Farm was a place we used to visit when we lived in Gainesville, FL. It was a place that was made to look like a farm in "the old days."]

Nathan continues: "Then we will..."

"We will blow up the earth with our phasers," says Micah

Nathan continues: "And we will find us a house when we grow up."

Micah says: "...we'll just blow up the house with bombs. We'll use the Air Force to bomb our house;...rockets fired at our house. We'll have a great bonfire. We'll roast hot dogs."

Nathan says: "I'm ready for it to record now, Daddy!" (That's his way of saying he wants to listen to what they've already recorded on the tape.)


"I don't want it to be recorded now," says Micah. [He means he doesn’t want to listen at this time to what they’ve already recorded.]

"I do,..." says Nathan

"But there's still more [un-recorded tape] on there," says Micah.

D says, "...we'll record some more later."

Micah says "Ok." I think

A few secs of silence on the tape

Nathan says, "Now (I think)..." Then more bomb sound effects / barks

Micah talking in background

Micah says, "Stop, stop, stop...the ship? will turn into the lightning bolt..."

Nathan continues barking; Micah in background: "...UFO..."

More bombs & barking; "a dog on our ship."

Micah: Lots of unintelligable talking in background; "...(something) off & throw it back at you...hit you in the head, Sir."

Bombs & barking; Micah continues talking in background

Nathan: "Hello, folks, we're in Wilm, DE."

Micah: "No, we're in outer space..."

Nathan: "No, shut up."


Sounds like Micah says "Oh no, I caught a cough drop."

Nathan: “We're in Wilm, DE, right now. And we will be going back into America, and, we will find us a house when we grow up. And, ..."

Micah: "...Air Force...bomb...phaser ship (?)..."

Nathan: "And, we will bomb (?) all the Americans.”

Micah: "Quiet!"

Nathan:  "...and then, we will blow up a Scotland..."

Micah: "No we will not blow up Scotland. We will blow up Asia, Australia, the Caribbean,..."

Nathan: "No, we will blow up Amer..., Scottish,..."

Micah: "We will blow up America, and we will keep Scotland...Statue of Liberty, the White House, and everything that's very valuable (?)"

Nathan: "Shut up!"

Micah: "...and the Highlands too."

N: "And we will going to America soon."

M: "And we will blow up…"

N: “Shut up!”

M: "Sorry."

N: "And we will record it now."


M: "Ok, we will record [play back what they’ve already recorded, he means]. Wait a minute, we need somebody to stop this thing. Is there any tape left? Yes there is. Sir, can we keep on recording?...the microphone. Look out for the microphone. Don't move them, Sir.... Don't even touch one, it might electrocute you. Alright, Sir, you're gonna be electrocuted."   (Micah--or Nathan--makes an electrical-shock sound.)

Barking & growling by M & N

Other sounds & talking

N: "Now I'll kill him. I stuck a lot of knifes in.... And we're in Wilm, DE, right now..."

M: "We're in outer space."

N: "...and...and we...and I…"

M: "You killed me, huh?"

N: "Yeah. And...I killed the bad...the Scottish man..."

M: "Why did you kill your own...? In the final frontier, which is space. And, we are not in Wilm, DE."

Sounds like Nathan attacks Micah at this point

Micah laughing

N: "Daddy, I'm ready to record it now [ready to listen to what they’ve already recorded]."


M: "I'm so good!" (?)

D: "Push stop and then push play."

M: "Ok. Ok, Sir. Are you lieutenant or captain? Are you the lieutenant or captain? Which one are you? Answer me! Answer me, Sir!  Computer, answer me! Answer me, computer! Computer, we'll have to send you into another room unless (or till) you answer us."

N: "I am in America..."

M: "The computer is in America. That's one of the first times (she's ever talked with us ?)"

N: "...and I am..."

M: "Push stop, Sir?"

N: "...and I am..."

M: "Do we push stop?"

D: "Yeah, push stop and push play." [I should’ve said "…push stop; rewind tape; then play" (?).]

N making incoming bomb noise

M: "Push stop & push play?"

D: "Yes."

M: "Ok, sir. Ok, lieutenant, Sir."

(Click sound; silence for a few secs.)


Screaming (by N); shooting noises (by M)...

Vicki says something

M says something

Vicki: "...JoJo...you want to talk on the tape recorder?"

M: JoJo...

N: Starts to sing Jesus Loves Me; Joanna joins in

J, singing Jesus Loves Me

M making noises. "Hello folks, we're in Wilmington, DE. JoJo just got...(?)..."

Shooting noises

M: "...Alabamy [slang term for Alabama (the state)]..."

J: "Do do do do do."

M (I think): "Ok, you done?"

J: "Yeah."


M: "Nay-Nay (Nathan) is calling Momy to go into the bathroom now, right this very minute, and, ah, Momy, she says, 'Where?' and Nay-Nay says, something, and Momy says, 'Oh yeah, the air conditioner takes all the lights out of the house.' Oh, um, I don't think that is exactly what she said. Um, nurse, ...(?)...the Wilm, DE, ship."

Barking, etc. by Micah, I guess, since Nathan is supposedly in the bathroom

M: "Amplify...to amplify it (?), the microphone ...?...so ah, the screen will be, you can hear stuff on the screen, ok? Ok?"

Whispering by J?

J makes sounds

I think I hear Micah in distant background, so I think at this point, Joanna is at the tape recorder by herself

Barking sound close up (sounds like Nathan, but might be J)

Loud growly bark; another one kinda sounds like "Aghh!" Is this J?


"Hello, Folks, we're in Wilm, DE." (probably M)

M: "No, sir, we're in outer space, the final frontier. Oh shut up. Why should I? Because (in higher voice)."


J: "Hey, pokes...wey dey pokes...("wee dee dee" or something) ...Weesel, DE."

M: Begins singing "Jesus Loves Me"; Joanna follows along: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me (at this point, Joanna says, "Bubby" which is Micah's nickname).”

Micah laughs, then continues singing: "Little ones to him be baby, They are weak but he is strong."

J continues: "Yes, Jesus lub me..."

M continues: "Yes, baby loves you; Yes, baby loves JoJo; The Bible tells me so."

(Sounds like Nathan calls Momy from the bathroom at this point)

Joanna begins singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children"...

M: "Wait a minute, wait a minute...let's see now, wait a minute...we (or it's) gotta be quiet for a minute."

N: "Momy"

Vicki: "What?"

M & J: "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red..."

M: "Wait a minute. Red."

J: "Wed."


M: "Yellow."

J: "Yed-doe."

M: "Black."

J: "Bak."

M: "...and white. They are precious in his sight."

J: (says something I can't understand, then either she or Micah says "All done.")

J: "All done."

N: (He's back from the bathroom now) "Hello folks, we're in Wilm, DE (then he laughs)."

M: "Right now, Momy's putting on Nay-Nay's shirt, and he's laughing & laughing his head off (Momy must be tickling him) And I'm laughing my head off too (I think Micah says). And while JoJo's screamin' & hollerin'…"

(Loud scream at this point--Joanna I guess)

Vicki: "Not so loud."

M: (Sounds like he says, "Why they cut it off, and...")

J: "Hed-doe, pokes!"

N: "Hello, folks, we're in Wilm, DE."

J: "Hey, pokes! Yed deh Way-ah, DE!" (or something like that).


M: Says something I can't understand, and then something like "We're gonna (going to) go up to Alabamy..."

Barking by N & J

N or M: "Put your hand up. Bam. Uh..."

V: (says something like "We need to go...")

M: "What did Momy say?"

Clicking noise

N (?): "...children of the world; Red & yellow black & white (Joanna joins in too) Jesus loves the little children of the world." (M might be singing too)

N or M: "Including JoJo."

Somebody says "Bubba or Nay-Nay," I think. Then, "Nay-Nay!"

M (?): "Hear me, microphone?"

J: "Hed-doe, fokes!"

Several clicks & N says something

M: "...Alabamy."

More clicks


M (?): (starts singing?) "She (wants?) her Mammy.... (stops singing) Somethings wrong. Ok ...(?).... (singing) She wants her Mammy, she wants her Mammy; She don't want to go to Alabamy; She just wants her, Mammy!"

J sings the best she can what Micah just sang


J: "Hi, pokes..."

M: "JoJo, (Bubby's ?) gonna play the guitar while (?) ... sing."

J & M sing a garbled version of "Jesus Loves Me." (I guess Micah is making guitar sounds with his mouth because I don't hear an actual guitar playing)

While this is going on, N says "...I'm in Scotland..."

M: "Hello, folks, we're in Wilm, DE.... No we aren't, Sir, we're in outer space, the final frontier, Sir, and we just got blown up by an alien ship, and (something) battleship(s) is (are) attacking us."


N: "Shut up. Um..."

M: "Why should I?"


J: Says something.

N: "... (We're in?) Scotland right now..."

M: "No we're not, we're in outer space! I come from the Highlands, but we're in outer space."

N: "We're in pitch black outer space right now. This is outer space."

J says something.

N: "Dad-da, Da-da, Daddy, I'm ready to record!"

M: (?) "Ok."

J squeaks

Somebody says something.

Tape cuts (turns) off.



July 18, Mon? or 19, Tues?...

2. Leaving Equibank--Wilm; headed to Pediatrics Associates—Christiana, DE  (1:31)  

“A commercial bank, with a national (federal) charter & Fed member, & supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,  Equibank (DE) was founded in 1987, & serves businesses & families in the Wilm & New Castle County.”

I’m not sure if the following description is of the Pediatrics Assoc mentioned above, unless they’ve moved since 1988, but here it is—“[Located on the Ogletown-Stanton Rd in the Medical Arts Pavilion 2, Newark, DE,] Pediatric Associates has been a part of DE history since 1954. Started by Dr. David Levitsky, M.D., it has blossomed into a practice of 6 physicians, one nurse practitioner & one physicians assistant, and with a clinical  & administrative support staff of 35 employees.”


Phototen 016 


July 19, Tuesday...

3. To Dupont, Chestnut Run--Wilm area  (2:24) 


Phototen 017 


4. To Jacobs & Crumplar--Wilm  (1:56)

“… founded by Robert Jacobs & Thomas Crumplar in 1981, & licensed to practice in DE, PA, NJ, MD & D.C., has grown to 5 personal injury attorneys & also now has an office in Millsboro, DE.” 


Phototen 018   We worked on a copier at a Hyatt Legal office in the Plymouth Meeting Mall-- 


5. To David Lyons--Wilm  (2:18) “Licensed to practice law in 1985, David has served as Deputy Attorney General for DE & as an attorney for the DE Division of Public Health. He represents clients in Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation & Social Security Disability cases.”                                                                                  I don’t know if Mr. Lyons is also in the law practice of Aerenson, Ferrara & Lyons. A “sorter,” as mentioned in the dialog, is a machine containing a stack of trays, which attaches onto the end of the copier where the copies come out. This machine separates the various pages of a multi-page document into “books.” Coming out of the parking garage, when Wil says something like “…file that away with the other [something]…,” I think he’s telling me to put the parking garage receipt for the Jacobs & Crumplar job (?) with the other parking receipts. In the background you can hear a man speaking on a Christian radio program.



July 20, Wednesday...

6. To Vineland, NJ  (0:22) 

I don't say, but we are most likely going to Casie (pronounced "Cah-SYE (as in “eye”) Protank, which is a company owned by Al's brother-in-law.

“Casie Protank, a company that recycled oils, solvents, refinery wastes & contaminated soils, closed in Feb. 2011.”


Photo11  002 


7. To NORAM Chemical--Wilm  (1:37)

Nor-Am Chemical Co. is a “fertilizer-mixing company.”

I may be wrong, but I believe that the pronunciation of “Foulk,” as in “Foulk Rd,” is actually prounounced “Falk,” just as the “ou” in “ought” has an “aw” sound, rather than an “oh” sound.


Photo11 003 


July 21, Thursday... 

8. To Al's house (Chester, PA) & Glen Mills Schools (Glen Mills, PA) (3:14) When I mention my battery’s getting weak, I’m talking about my tape recorder batteries. I believe that Wil at first thinks I’m talking about my watch battery. Apparently, the batteries did go dead (or I ran out of tape) before I finished recording this day’s events. And also, since we rode together on the next day, Friday, which was my last day of these 2 weeks, I never got fresh batteries or a new tape, because I didn’t make a recording of Friday’s travels. The descriptions of going to Al’s (our Neilson Copiers boss’s) house, are the same directions to the house we would finally move into--1217 Keystone Rd.--which was the end house of the row of houses on the same side of the road as Al’s. Our row of houses was the first row as you drive onto Keystone Rd. We were in the final house of that row as you drive on the one-way street. Then there was a small gap before the next row started, of which Al’s house, 1215, was the end house on that row. So our houses were side-by-side.     In 1996, Al moved to 222 Jacqueline Dr., Upper Chichester. Later that year, we moved to 32 Steeplechase Ln, North East, MD. So we both moved to the same address number, as Al’s had three 2s in it (222),  & ours was 3-2 (“three 2s”)…get it?                   


BUT, NOT TO WORRY (as the English people say), THERE ARE MORE PHOTOS COMING UP...                

...as we continue our photo-trip on I-95 to the Philadelphia International Airport to pick up Nathan on December19, 2011.                                                    

Then we will jump back to yester-year, beginning with photos dady took while driving his company vehicle to the Neilson Copiers office & while doing service calls.--

Now let's continue our trip to the airport in 2011--


Photo11 004   Valley Forge is on I-476 WEST-- 


Photo11 005 


Photo11 006  Phila Airport over to right. I think that’s the control tower, slightly left of center-- 


Photo11  008 


Photo11  009 


Photo 12   001  Mommy & I are now in the International Passenger Arrival Lounge. The lady standing on the near right sold me some crackers in the concession stand (out of view on right) and is now taking a break; Mommy is sitting on far left-- 


Photo 12A   001   Nathan, just arriving from Europe-- 


Photo 12A  005  Momy is driving us back to Rising Sun now-- 


Photo 12A  008  Blue Rocks’ baseball team stadium, Wilmington, DE-- 


Photo 12A  009  Blue Rocks’ baseball team stadium, Wilmington, DE-- 


Photo 12A   010  Blue Rocks’ baseball team stadium, Wilmington, DE-- 


Photo 12A 011 Delaware Memorial Twin Span Bridge in distance connects to NJ across DE River-- 


Photo 12A   012  This shot is of the opposite side of I-95 as the previous photo-- 


Photo 12A   013   Basically same view as previous photo, just a little farther along I-95; see train track electric power-line towers near left & right sides of photo-- 


Photo 12A    014   Basically same view as previous photo, just a little farther along I-95-- 


Photo 12B   001 Nathan is finally settled back in his regular working space at the kitchen table at 960 Calvert Road, Rising Sun, MD-- 


Photo 12B  003  Welcome home signs for Nathan & Dady (latter had recently returned from Micanopy, FL)-- 














I think there are Sharp fax machines in that stack of boxes-- 






















Well, folks, that's the end of Part 2...and also all that I have for you in the W&DOTR project right now.

But one day I want to add photos of the old days at Wil & Patty's house on 1528 Bonwood Rd., Wilmington, DE, and of our house on 1217 Keystone Rd., Chester, PA.     I still have to take photos of those & get them downloaded.

And since I have several projects going on, it will be a long time before I'm able to do any more work on WIL & DANNY ON THE ROAD, as far as getting more photos added to it.

My next line of work on W&DOTR will be getting the CDs out to those of you in the family who haven't already received them.                                                                                                                                                                        --danny, October 27, 2014, Rising Sun, MD.                                      (Hey, that's Wil's birthday!!!)

 *   *   *






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