Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014,                               at Rising Sun, MD & Fairhill, MD.                 Photos by Dady.

NOTE: When I first put the photos on this web page, I had enlarged them quite a bit. But just last night, February the 17th, 2016, I noticed that it was impossible to see the previously enlarged sections of the photos outside the normal text-photo column. Sorry about that. So now, I am working on reducing all the photos back down to the standard text-photo column size, so that the complete photo may be seen. This might take a while. Sorry about that too. So for the photos I have downsized to their original format, and for the ones I have yet to do so, follow these instructions-- To enlarge the photos & text, hold down "Ctrl" & press "+" one or more times as desired. To reduce the photos & text, hold down "Ctrl "& press "-" (to left of "+" key). Then, click on scroll bar at bottom of screen & drag it all the way to the right to see complete photos. I can enlarge 5 times on my widescreen laptop & still be able to see entire photo & text. It may be different for your computer screen.—

Joanna, Justin Tumnus & Jasmine visit. Eat lasagne. We played a new card game, called Flux, that Justin bro't. Caroline & James arrive at 4 p.m.

We leave at 4:15 p.m. and drive to Fairhill Natural Resources area to walk. (Ezra has to stay home for to prepare his Monday classwork for intern teaching of his 8th graders at Swift Middle School, Quarryville, PA.)

Joanna brings along her 35 mm film cameras--one loaded with color, the other black & white. She takes 12th-grade graduation pix of Seth & James at various locations.

Photos 3-15 taken between about 4:30 & 6:25 p.m.         

003.  Arriving at Fairhill trail parking area. Justin has on leash the puppy Jasmine (obscured by Joanna). Dady must be holding Tumnus's leash--  



006.  The new foster puppy, Jasmine--

*   *   *

For about the next 1 1/2 hours, Joanna takes photos of James & Seth at various locations along the trail. Momy, Justin & Dady take turns holding onto Tumnus's & Jasmine's leashes.

We had walked afar, then made our way back toward our cars. Near the parking lot is a pond where Dady handed Jasmine over to Momy, & took pix. 

008.  Justin & Tumnus-- 


010.  Tumnus is hidden behind Justin; I believe end of Jasmine's tail is visible to right of Momy's right leg--  

011.  Don't remember noticing it till now, but there's an island in that pond!-- 



014.  Don't remember seeing them, but I guess those light-colored stalks are cattails. The flowers are probably of the daffodil family. They aren't like the daffodils along the east (kitchen) side of our house, but there is a single flower like these by the baby holly tree at the NW corner of our house in Rising Sun, which I'll show you in the next photo-- 

002.  Friday, April 18, 2014.   Here is the daffodil-type flower, & the baby holly tree (right, foreground), out from the NW corner of the house at Rising Sun. I don't remember ever seeing such a flower before, & I don't remember ever seeing this one until this year. It may not have been able to sprout up due to all the ground leaves & sticks in this area, which I cleared away--I think  just before the 4th of July, 2013--when I found the tiny holly tree. I really weeded & cleared around the holly tree, so it could grow on up unhindered. I guess the flower then took advantage of all the clear ground, & was able to sprout up. It's interesting that 2 days later, on our walk at Fairhill on Easter Sunday, I  saw more flowers of this type--     

015.  Cattails again, if that's what they are--                                    *   *   *

Photos 16-21 were taken on Easter Sunday nite; I guess it was about 10 p.m.               

016.  These eggs had been boiled by Momy, & then dyed by Justin, James, Caroline, Seth, Ezra & Dady. We could not find crayons, so we used candles to mark the eggs. I think Justin used a pen on some of his--



019.  Jasmine has taken possession of one of Tumnus's bones--

020.  Meanwhile, Tumnus is asleep near fireplace--

021.  The last photo is of 3 of the eggs (the final 3, I believe) that Justin dyed. He marked 2 of them with a pen. The emblem on the left one is, I believe, a submariner's medal; the middle egg is decorated with a submarine--                                       *   *   *




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