Joanna's Birthday, Part 4 , July 28, Sunday, 2013
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3:56-4:24-- Depart for Nottingham Park; at the Park
160-- 3:56 Getting ready for to go to Nottingham County Park, PA
Vicki behind wheel. Justin's just loaded Tumnus in hatchback, & is reaching for to pick up his water bottle. Joanna's putting something in or to take something out of her car.
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161-- 3:56
We leave for Nottingham Park at 3:58 pm [Joanna, Justin, Seth, Vicki & I are all riding in her car: Seth in front; Justin in driver's side rear; Joanna, middle; then me; Tumnus in way back.]
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[Following written on way to Not. Pk.]-- Skies have cleard up as of abt 45 min ago (abt 3:15?). Momy mentions that Ken Blount tweeted her a few daze ago.
Joanna tells about when they take Tumnus to Putapsco State Park: trees, waterfall, fields, ruins--some are wood frame & have drywall, some are stone.
Vicki sez Justin's mom (& now her too) follow the Navy website [that gives info about Justin's Navy group at Ft. Meade, if I'm understanding correctly].
Justin sez that they [his outfit, detachment--don't know proper term] just got a new CO* (*would be called "Skipper" if they were on a boat).
Vicki asked how you would address the CO. Justin answers: "Sir." I ask what his rank is. Justin sez "Captain."
Justin tells types of admirals there are: Rear Admiral (commands boats in rear of Navy fleet during battle); Vice Admiral; Fleet Admiral [in my notes, I have Fleet Admiral in parentheses after Vice Admiral, so I don't know if Justin meant the Vice Admiral is the Fleet Admiral, say in war time, or not]. Justin sez we don't have a Fleet Admiral right now, as no Naval forces are engaged in battle.
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At Nottingham Park at 4:10.
[While driving up into parking lot, before parking, Justin spots a deer off to the right of the beginning of the main trail which is the exercise trail. I can't see deer till we actually park, & are facing it facing us.]
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162-- 4:11 The deer (telephoto); exercise trail on left
You can see info-board of 1st station of excercise trail in center background.
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163-- 4:11 Tumnus & Justin watch stationary deer (telephoto).
Shortly after this, the deer made a "huffing" noise, & then ran away.
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164-- 4:12 Joanna, Seth, Vicki, headed from car to exercise trail entrance.
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166-- 4:13 Vicki trying to figure out where the trail is that she wants to take.
Later, after we study map closely, it seems to be a mirror image of real life, or something; we can't make sense of it.
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167-- 4:13 Anyway, Joanna tries to take pic to help us find trail Vicki wants.
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168-- 4:14 One more try; but finally, she decides she can't get clear photo . I try to get good close-up too; but picture won't focus, so I don't take shot.
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169-- 4:22 Passing pond on our right: the smaller of 2 (?) in the Park.
We gave up on map, & started exercise trail to a point where Vicki led us off onto one of several walking trails which branch off exercise trail.
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170-- 4:24 Justin & Tumnus disturb butterfly flock in muddy area.
I try to take pix of butterflies; distinctly remember taking several; but above is only one they could possibly be in, and I can only imagine seeing them, even in this one.
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I think it was right after this that mention is made of the Legend of Moth Man in West Virginia. [Can't remember who talked about the Moth Man--Joanna probly--or what was said about him. Other things were said about moths I believe, but can't remember what.]