MIRAN'S FIRST VISIT TO 960 CALVERT R0AD, RISING SUN MARYLAND, USA, October 25, Saturday, 2014 --by dady
Began posting on October 26, 2014
As of November 3, 2016, the photos on this page have finally been re-sized. You now can see the entire area of the pictures. Sorry for the delay!
On November 9, 2016, I finally finished adding all the photos I took on October 25, 2014.
Then, after adding one more bit of text, this "page" as you see it now, was published on November 13, Sunday, 2016.
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Miran & Nathan were married in Seoul, Korea on July 27, 2014. Nathan arrived back to the USA on August 17, 2014. Miran arrived in the USA from Korea on October 3, 2014. She & Nathan came to 960 Calvert Rd, Rising Sun, Maryland to visit Nathan's mom, dad, & brothers Ezra & Seth on October 25, 2014.
The temperatures have been in the 50s & low 60s (F) during the day & in the 40s in the night for several weeks.
Photos by Dady with Olympus FE-3010 camera unless otherwise credited. All times of photos are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), which is one hour later than EST (Eastern Standard Time).
Dady=Danny; Momy=Vicki
In the text below, the compass directions are abbreviated : N=north; S=south; E=east; W=west. (NW=northwest; SE=southeast,... etc.)
To enlarge the photos & text, hold down "Ctrl" & press "+" one or more times as desired. To reduce the photos & text, hold down "Ctrl "& press "-" (to left of "+" key). Then, click on scroll bar at bottom of screen & drag it to the right to see complete photos. I can enlarge 5 times on my widescreen laptop & still be able to see entire photo & text. It may be different for your computer screen.
Nathan said: "In picture 142 (above), the sign thingy had questions on little doors, and when you open the door, you see the answer. Here, I was leaning over to open the little door that asked, "How many apples do you need to make a 9-inch apple pie?" since we were planning to make pies, and that's exactly the size pie crusts that I had! (The answer was 6 - 7 pies, I think.)"
Thanks, Nathan!
At about 8:35 p.m., Nathan and Miran leave Rising Sun and drive back to their house in Hyattsville, Maryland.
On November 10, 2016, Nathan said:
"We were in Hyattsville, MD, from August 2014 through May 2015. Then we spent the summer in Korea (May 2015 through August 2015), and then moved directly into our new apartment in College Park, MD, in late August 2015."
Momy receives "We are home safely" text from Nathan and Miran at about 10:15 p.m., October 25, 2014.
The End