For Bennie Martin, edited by Danny Tillman
It is 11:31 pm, January 12, Monday, 2015. About a half-hour ago, I came up with the idea of this project. And that idea is thanks to a phone conversation earlier today with Bennie, during which we were remember-ing, or in some cases, trying to remember the people & places of our old home town. So, all you former or present-day Micanopians, if you have some memories of the people & places, the life & times--or just a list of the names of people you used to know who lived in--Micanopy, send them to my email at Thanks.
Names Bennie & I remembered today (I'm hastily typing this out, so I'm probably making spelling errors; I will try to correct them later)--
*Freddy Martin; *sister & brothers-- Miss Margaret Rosenberger, Allen & Stanley Rosenberger; *Margaret Smith; *Wesley & Martha Weaver; *Jimmy Whitten; *brothers Jimmy & Tommy Hannah; *brothers John Herbert Wilkerson & Jody Wilkerson (I just found out from Bennie that they are his cousins); *brothers Allen & Melvin Monk; *brothers Jimmy & Ronald Ward; *the White brothers--Larry, Alva Gene, & Bobbie (we couldn't remember Bobbie's name when Bennie & I were talking on the phone; & maybe they had a sister); *the Burch brothers--John, Charles & Robert; *sister & brother--Danette & Teddy Dykes; *Dr. Aufenberg & family; Walter Aufenberg; *the Dr. Archie Carr family; *the road beside Mr. Thrasher's store (on which the Whites lived) went to the mill (the Cookseys & the Aufenbergs lived on that road in the same house at different times; & I just remembered that the Keenes lived on that road too); *the road beside Mr. Weaver's store & Mrs. Weaver's log cabin cafe went back around to 441 near (or at) the Cross Creek Rd.; *Mr. Cooksey--Principal of Micanopy Junior High School (MJHS); Andy Cooksey; *MJHS Principal, Mr. Tallman; *Glenda (Sykes? or Davis?); there was a Glenda Sykes in my 1st &/or 2nd &/or 3rd grade class at MJHS, but she left the school after that; I guess her family moved; *Troy Blakeley; *the Ben O. Franklin Mill; *the railroad tracks that went by the mill & Mr. Thrasher's store, & crossed the main street (U.S. 441 in those days) near the MJHS basketball court; *the Micanopy baseball team field & the Micanopy train depot were down "behind" Glenn Geiger's house; *Carson & Faye Roberts; *James Feaster & sons Richard, Fred & Otis; *Lynn Feaster & sons J.L. & Jerome; *sisters Betty Dixon Yawn & Anita Dixon Beck;
To be continued...